Saturday, July 31, 2010

SNSD - The Idol group with the best fanclub support

SNSD was voted to have the best fanclub support according to a recent poll held in a community website. Thanks to Sones, the SNSD fierce fanclub.

Around 6,527 votes were cast on the poll titled "The idol group that has the best fanclub support" and of the said amount, almost 1,888 votes or about 28.9% of the votes goes to SNSD that makes them the idol group with one of the best fanclubs.
Next to SNSD is Super Junior with their ELFS fanclub with 27% or 1,761 votes followed by TVXQ with Cassiopeians garnering 19.4% or about 1,266 votes.
To Sones, good job guys. Let's support So Nyuh Shi Dae all the way. Though I may not be considered a member of any of their fans club, I can still say that I am an avid fan of SNSD. Rock on girls!!!...

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